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Gymnastics And Movement Education is a specialist mobile program that caters to children aged 0-6

years old.


GAME’s Rugrats (0-2yo) and Coolcats (3-6yo) classes are strategically designed to unlock children’s potential through movement education.


Children get to explore a different setup every week allowing them to develop and refine their:

  1. Fine and Gross Motor Skills
  2. Coordination and Balance
  3. Confidence and self-esteem
  4. Spacial and Proprioceptive awareness
  5. Core strength and motor planning skills
  6. Cognitive growth and development
  7. Cooperation and teamwork skills
  8. And much more!

Children have endless fun during the gymnastic classes and spend time on the bars, balance beams, foam shapes all set up and implemented by an external company Game Gymnastics.
