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Early Years Learning

School Readiness
is a Key Element of Early Learning

We understand the transition from preschool into school can be a big change for children, we therefore ensure all children are prepared for school. Our School readiness program develops a foundation of skills children require to be ready for the school environment. The School Readiness program is implemented into our 3-4yrs and 4-6yrs rooms between 9:30am - 3pm with a focus on literacy, numeracy & writing skills as well as independence and social and emotional development.


Why a good School
Readiness program is vital for Pre-Schoolers

Starting school is a big step for children and assisting them to transition to school successfully is important for their journey in continuing to be successful learners. School Readiness programs are important in supporting children to have a positive start to their school life and promoting children’s health and wellbeing.

It recognises the transition to school ‘involves negotiating and adjusting to a number of changes including the physical environment, learning expectations, rules and routines, social status and identity, and relationships for children and families’.

Knowing what to expect in the school environment helps children to make a smooth transition and preparing children for this begins well before their first day of school.

Success is more likely when key stakeholders work and plan this transition collaboratively Knowing what to expect in the school environment helps children to make a smooth transition and preparing children for this begins well before their first day of school. Success is more likely when key stakeholders work and plan this transition collaboratively.

School Readiness

Key Components of our School Readiness Program

Physical Development: A child’s fine motor skills are critical to their physical development as they will be required to write as soon as they enter kindergarten. Some things that we will be working on before they start writing include skills such as their pencil grip, scissor grip, detailed and controlled drawings and the ability to manipulate small objects and games with small pieces of equipment. We will also be looking at muscle strength, coordination and manipulation skills. Over the year children develop these skills and are able to write letters and their names and sometimes even other simple words.

Literacy and Language development: language is something that we use each day and it is something that should be clear and easily understood by others. Children also require comprehension skills that can be found when a child follows an instruction or direction or when they are read an unfamiliar story and answer some simple questions about the book. The children’s literacy skills will be fostered as the children learn about the alphabet, how to recognise each letter and even explore the sounds that each letter makes.

Kiddiwinks Library: We provide a collection of books at the centre for children to borrow and take home to further increase their literacy skills within the home environment. Reading stories with your children has benefits for grown ups too, the special time you spend reading together promoted bonding and helps to build your relationship.

Numeracy: Here the children will develop their skills in shapes, counting and numbers. We will be specifically working on recognising simple shapes (square, triangle and circle) and more complex shapes (such as an oval and a rectangle) and exploring patterns. The children will develop their skills in counting and recognising and writing numbers up to 20 and even learn simple addition and subtraction. Measurement will be another focus for this area, here the children will learn about length, height and weight.

Social & Emotional Development: Social skills include sharing and taking turns in a small or large group setting. Children will be focusing on working collaboratively throughout the day. Conflict resolution is also a key component as children will need to be confident in solving problems when they arise, they will also need to be able to express their feelings, wants and needs in an appropriate manner using their words rather than physical actions. Children will develop skills to assist them in using their words to describe their feelings and assist them in managing their emotions effectively.

Independence & Self help skills: This is an area which demonstrates increased autonomy and independence. The children will be learning how to put on their own shoes and socks, how to pack their backpacks and take care of their belongings, how to wash their hands and go to the toilet independently and work on manipulating buttons, zippers, and so on.